Rochester Police Department Open House - Saturday, June 4th from 10am to 2pm

The Rochester Police Department Open House and Bike Safety Rodeo will be held on Saturday June 4th from 10am to 2pm. This is a great opportunity for the community to see their police department. The bike safety rodeo offers kids the chance to make sure their bikes are safe; their helmets fit properly and learn some safety tips on our rodeo course. We provide kids who don’t have a helmet with a new approved helmet.

We will also be collecting non-perishable food items for the Rochester Food Pantry. We ask our visitors to consider bringing food items with them to add to our collection.

Non-Perishable Goods for Rochester Food Pantry and Helmets for Kids without them!

Fun for the Whole Family

Bring the whole family and enjoy fun learning experiences with a variety of activities including...

Tours of the Police Station

Tours of the Police Vehicles

Optional firearm display – free gun safety locks will be available

Evidence Collection (CSI) demo

Child safety Seat inspections

Police Motorcycle Skills Course demo

Unwanted Prescription Drop-off

Free Bike safety inspection thanks to KLM Bike and Fitness

Free Bike Helmets for children who need them

Kids should bring their bikes to participate in the bike safely rodeo

Homeland Security Helicopter viewing

Police K-9 Demonstration with Officer Knight, Kitt and Pearl and Walter too.

Rochester Police Department Open House at 400 Sixth Street!

Everything happens at the Rochester Police Department located at 400 Sixth Street on Saturday, June 4th from 10am to 2pm.


May 31, 2022, Rochester.Life Staff

© 2022 Rochester.Life