Vote Now for Rochester Hills - CREATE Collective

Local Nonprofit Asks Community to Support Art Microgrant

Rochester Hills, MI - This week, the Michigan Municipal League (MML) announced that the Create Collective’s New Program, Through My Eyes, was selected as a semi-finalist for the Bridge Builders Main Street Microgrant.

The Bridge Builders Microgrants program offers small, one-time microgrants to organizations within MML member communities. The goal of the microgrants is to fund collaborative, creative projects that bring people out of their homes and into their community.

The Create Collective is a new nonprofit organization focused on connecting the Greater Rochester region with local art. Their proposed program,Through My Eyes, is designed to both showcase the artistic talents of individuals with special needs and drive foot traffic to local businesses.

“We are so excited to have this opportunity to highlight local artists from our area in this unique way,” states Board Chair Teckla Rhoads. “This is just one of the many art opportunities we hope to bring through this new nonprofit.”

Art pieces will be placed on either large walls of retail establishments or in a grassy location in front of their store so they are easily accessible to pedestrians and can be seen from the road.

How to Vote:

To Vote for the Rochester Hills - Through My Eyes Program, visit Voting will be open from now through Sunday September 4. Voting is allowed once per day per person.

About the CREATE Collective:

The CREATE Collective’s mission is to ignite greater connections between art and culture to engage communities through joint development and support of personally meaningful experiences for all. They will do that through collaboration with an important network of people – artists and arts professionals, cultural organizations, businesses, art and cultural enthusiasts, and civic leaders.


August 29, 2022, City of Rochester Hills Mayor's Office

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